To stay completely up to date on all news surrounding Dichotomy, follow us on social media on Instagram and Facebook.
Please join us as we flip through the pages and journey through our ruby years at our Issue 24 Release Party!📖 ⠀
When: Saturday, September 14th from 6 – 9pm⠀
Where: Source Booksellers (4240 Cass Avenue, Detroit MI) ⠀
We look forward to seeing you all there. ⠀
Light refreshments and snacks will be provided!📚
Dichotomy 23: HUNGRY Call for Entries
To be Hungry is to experience a complex sensation which necessitates a feeling of emptiness that is often unpleasant. A sensation which left unattended can evolve into a craving that dominates our every thought and action. Being hungry is self-perpetuating; and once the deficit is filled we become increasingly dependent, increasingly desirous.
Dichotomy 23 invites you…
…to get your fill, relieve your appetites, reach out for your desires, and feed your creativity. Submissions should consider Hungry as a sense of longing relief from the starving, barren, and otherwise dissatisfied, as well as its relation to the discourse of architecture, urbanism, design, and all the arts in between.
Submit to Dichotomy 23: HUNGRY. Abstract deadline December 1, 2016.
Dichotomy 22: CREEP Call For Entries
Get uncomfortable and submit to Dichotomy 22: CREEP. Abstract deadline December 1, 2015.
Dichotomy 21: ODDS Launch Party
Dichotomy 21: ODDS Open for submissions
Take a chance and submit to Dichotomy 21: Odds. Abstract deadline December 1, 2014.
Dichotomy 20: OLD under construction
We would like to thank everyone who submitted their abstracts to the call for entries. The current issue of
Dichotomy is now under way working with authors to produce the upcoming issue! We look forward to the release
of OLD, coming April 11th, 2014.
We are pleased to announce the theme for the 2013/2014 issue as “OLD”. Issue 20 will be released amidst the 50th Anniversary of the University of Detroit Mercy School of Architecture, and the chosen articles will tangentially honor this milestone with reflections on the passing of time in relation to architecture, design, and urbanism.
This Friday, April 12th, Issue 19 “UGLY” will have its physical release in the University of Detroit School of Architecture at 4PM. All architecture students are entitled to a free copy, and non-arch-students can purchase a copy for $20. “UGLY” will also be released digitally on this website at midnight.